
Every 49 minutes, someone is taken from their life in the UK to another country, by force. Not by a rogue kidnapper, but by outsourcing companies acting on behalf of the UK government.

Of the 10,706 people removed by force in 2016, one in 7 were by mass deportation – where people of the same nationality are rounded up and shipped out of the UK on a secret, night-time charter flight hired out exclusively for that purpose.

End Deportations platforms acts of resistance to mass deportations. It houses resources for anyone wanting to take action against deportations or mass deportations.

The #StopCharterFlights campaign aims to make mass deportations by charter flight unworkable and publicly unacceptable. Ending mass deportations is achievable and would be a small but significant step in building a society that doesn’t deport people on the basis of their race or nationality.


Deportations tear lives apart. They break up families and leave holes in communities. Often people are deported to countries where they have no home, family, friends or job.

Deportations are dangerous. Violence is often used on the flight, sometimes fatally. Mass deportations by charter flight have no other passengers, so there are no witnesses to the violence. People who came to the UK for safety may face persecution or death if returned.

Deportations are racist. They target migrants only, and disproportionately target people of colour. Mass deportations by charter flight are doubly racist, since they target people on the basis of their perceived nationality in order to fill the seats of a plane.

Deportations are expensive. It costs the UK £96 per day to detain an individual before deporting them, which is around three times more than the cost per day of housing them. On top of this, mass deportations cost more than £5,200 per person deported.

They have to stop. #StopCharterFlights