Asylum stats for Q3 2012

Please note that the way statistics have been compiled has changed in that asylum applications and decisions now include dependants rather than just the principle applicant as was previously the case (this is in line with how other EU countries compile asylum stats).  This means that it appears like the number of decisions/applications has increased sharply when this is not the case.    Continue reading “Asylum stats for Q3 2012”

Leveson report finds sensational or unbalanced reporting in relation to immigrants and asylum seekers is concerning

29 Nov 2012: EIN. The long-awaited Leveson report into press standards has been published today.

Lord Leveson states in the report that “when assessed as a whole, the evidence of discriminatory, sensational or unbalanced reporting in relation to ethnic minorities, immigrants and/or asylum seekers, is concerning.”

He adds that while the majority of the press appear to report such matters responsibly, there are enough examples of careless or reckless reporting to conclude that discriminatory, sensational or unbalanced reporting in relation to ethnic minorities, immigrants and/or asylum seekers is a feature of journalistic practice in parts of the press, rather than an aberration. Continue reading “Leveson report finds sensational or unbalanced reporting in relation to immigrants and asylum seekers is concerning”

16 children in detention in October 2012


Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers October 2012

 Monthly management information on children entering detention, held solely under Immigration Act powers.

The figures are based on management information and are not subject to the detailed checks that apply for National Statistics.

They maybe revised in subsequent quarterly control of immigration publications. Therefore they should be seen as provisional.

Date: Thu Nov 29 09:30:00 GMT 2012

Full Document: Children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers October 2012 (Microsoft Excel file – 36kb)

House Office, published 29 November 2012

Migrant Children’s Project Newsletter
December 2012:   Follow us on Twitter


Monthly management information on children entering detention held solely under Immigration Act powers. 16 children entered detention, 1 at Brook House, 6 at Tinsley House, 1 at Yarl’s Wood and 8 at Cedars. Continue reading “16 children in detention in October 2012”