28.1.2014 Immigration Bill briefing session – children

 A briefing session on the immigration bill and how it will affect children, covering restrictions on access to healthcare and housing and the narrowing of appeal rights.  

  • Tuesday 28 January 2014, 4.30pm
  • Committee Room 3, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW

Panel members:

  • Lucy Jones – Doctors of the World
  • Ronan Toal – Garden Court Chambers
  • Ilona Pinter – The Children’s Society



Refugee Children’s Consortium

The Bill-Serco-G4S-Mental illness

Still Human Still Here:  Third Reading of the Bill: Third Reading and Report of the Immigration Bill has been set for Thursday 30 January.  There should be around 4 hours for debate, but it is likely that amendments linked to Bulgaria and Romania will dominate proceedings.

The National Audit Office issued a report on 10 January 2014 on the COMPASS contracts and the provision of accommodation for asylum seekers. It noted that “Although overall performances are now improving, two of the providers, G4S and Serco, are still failing to meet some of their key performance targets, notably relating to the standards of property and the time taken to acquire properties for asylum seekers.” 

http://stillhumanstillhere.wordpress.com/ Continue reading “The Bill-Serco-G4S-Mental illness”

Take action: Planned Legal Aid cuts and the Immigration Bill

26 January 2014: The Ministry of Justice is planning further cuts to legal aid. These include a ‘residence test’ which would prevent immigration detainees from accessing advice in very many situations. Under this test, the women in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre who recently reported alleged sexual abuse by guards would not be able to access legal aid to challenge their treatment. Read more here.

The Justice Alliance has organised a petition calling on the Government to halt their plans to cut legal aid. It already has over 10,300 signatures, and with your help can gather many more. Sign the petition here: http://chn.ge/1j6O2NF

Take Action – Immigration Bill

The Immigration Bill is a central plank of the Government’s bid to create a ‘hostile environment’ for undocumented migrants in the UK. It will be debated in the House of Commons on Thursday 30th January.

Please write to your MP drawing their attention to the grave impacts the Bill would have for immigration detainees. You can easily email your MP from this website: www.writetothem.com and we have created a model letter below, which you can copy and paste into your message. If you have time, please do adapt and personalise your message.

Kirklees and Swansea councillors back bid to support destitute asylum seekers

18 Jan 2014 11:00 Figures show there were 33 destitute asylum seekers and 300 supported by the Home Office in the borough last year

Congratulations Kirklees and Swansea: A bid to support destitute asylum seekers received the backing of councillors.

Figures show there were 33 destitute asylum seekers and 300 supported by the Home Office in the borough last year.

Kirklees councillors felt they could do more. Continue reading “Kirklees and Swansea councillors back bid to support destitute asylum seekers”