Refugees Welcome

The Quaker Council for European Affairs are concerned about the harm experienced by refugees travelling to and within Europe. We are calling for safe and legal ways for refugees to travel to Europe and for peacebuilding approaches to be used to end the violence that many refugees have escaped. We are opposed to ‘fortress Europe’ and military responses to migration.

Please scroll through this page to read about some of our work.

A letter to MEPs about Humanitarian Visas from eight Christian organisations, including QCEA (15 September 2015). Click here tread.

We CAN choose loving and effective responses (4 September). Click here to read more.

For more on the EU’s military response (15 August), Click here.

Quakers in Britain call for safe paths for refugees (5 September). Click here to read more.

To find out about specific recommendations for safe and legal paths to the EU (November 2014), click here.

Sample letter: Immigration Bill 2nd Reading 22 December 2015

Sample letter for you to adapt and send regarding the Immigration Bill which is before the House of Lords on 22 December 2015 (thanks to Still Human Still Here) – see here 2015 Dec Immigration-Bill-sample-letter-to-Members-of-the-House-of-Lords

Home Office response to the Consultation: see here – 2015 Nov Reforming Support for Failed Asylum Seekers and Other Illegal Migrants

3. Next steps Continue reading “Sample letter: Immigration Bill 2nd Reading 22 December 2015”

Refugees Welcome

Find out more here

Resources: Community Welcome Plan – Each Local Refugee Welcome Committee (Local Committee) will need to create their own Community Welcome Plan. This document sets out what you aim to do to welcome refugees and is the basis for relating to the local council and the National Refugee Welcome Board (National Board). Its purpose is to help ensure resettled refugees are properly welcomed, and that host communities have a positive experience of resettlement.

Syrian Refugee Resettlement Programme – Funding Update – Home Office updates for local Council Leaders Continue reading “Refugees Welcome”


I expect you know about the Immigration Bill currently going through Parliament.  If it becomes law, this Bill will make it a whole lot harder to welcome those seeking sanctuary, as Migrant Rights Network makes clear in this briefing.

The Bill goes before the House of Lords for its second reading on Tuesday 22nd December.  Before then we need to throw as much weight as possible against it, so we are asking you to do two things:

Contact as many members of the House of Lords as you can (here’s how ), particularly those with an interest in immigration.  Tell them why and how you think that the Bill should be amended or thrown out.  Remember to be polite and to arm your selected Peer with arguments which you hope they will use effectively in the House:

We have prepared sample letters for you to use, but make sure you adapt them and please use your own words as far as possible.  Personal letters are more much more effective than duplicate mailouts, and some Peers delete any emails that are identical to others they have received.


Immigration Bill 2015 more useful links

The Immigration Bill 2015-16: Next event – 2nd reading: House of Lords | 22.12.2015

Explained, written by John Kelly, EIN, 09 October 2015

The Immigration Bill 2015-16 arrived on September 17th (PDF here, HTML from here and explanatory notes here). The Bill’s own summary says: “A Bill to make provision about the law on immigration and asylum; to make provision about access to services, facilities, licences and work by reference to immigration status; to make provision about the Director of Labour Market Enforcement; to make provision about language requirements for public sector workers; to make provision about fees for passports and civil registration; and for connected purposes.”

The explanatory notes neatly sum up the purpose of the Bill as: “[T]o tackle illegal immigration by making it harder to live and work illegally in the United Kingdom.” So an even more hostile environment‘. Continue reading “Immigration Bill 2015 more useful links”