Refugees Welcome – Invitation for 6 October 2016

I would like to invite you and your members, clients, supporters, members to join us in a march and rally to send a message to our government – ahead of the global summits on refugees on September 19th and 20th – that the UK must do more to share responsibility.
Let’s make this huge!
You can see all the details on our website here:

Liberty: Child Refugees

Liberty: In May our MPs made a promise. Under huge public pressure, and the watchful eye of the House of Lords, the Government pledged in Parliament to protect unaccompanied refugee children in Europe.

That was 105 days ago and counting.
Since then almost no action has been taken to make good on this pledge. Lord Dubs himself ā€“ who was instrumental in securing it ā€“ has condemned the astonishing lack of urgency from central Government. Continue reading “Liberty: Child Refugees”

Unlocking Detention 2016: be part of shining a spotlight in the shadows

Every year for the past three years, Right to Remain has helped to run an innovative and participatory social media project that raises awareness of immigration detention in the UK ā€“ itā€™s called Unlocking Detention ( (or ā€œUnlockedā€ for short).

Unlocking Detention is a ā€˜virtual tourā€™ of the UKā€™s immigration detention estate ā€“ and of the impact of detention on communities across the UK.Ā  Each week, we ā€˜visitā€™ another of the UKā€™s detention centres and we hear from people who have been detained there (and who still are), volunteer visitors to that centre, NGOs and campaigners who are involved with challenging immigration detention, and the families, friends, neighbours and communities over whom detention casts its long shadows.Ā  The tour runs from 10 October to 18 December 2016. Continue reading “Unlocking Detention 2016: be part of shining a spotlight in the shadows”

APPG on social integration inquiry

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Social Integration has launched an inquiry into how reform of the immigration system can put migrant integration at its heart. Written evidence must be submitted by 9 September (maximum of 2,500 words). For full details see:

If you have any anecdotes that tell the stories of those affected please would you send them for now to Bridget WalkerĀ

If you would have time to collate responses we would be very appreciative.

John Featonby: he suggests thatĀ submissions could be made about people who need to apply for Leave to Remain, and those who have to pay Ā a lot of money to do so. He is not sure how much focus the inquiry panel would give the issue ā€“ thatā€™s out of hisĀ hands ā€“ but it would be something worth raising .

Programme Developer ā€“ Forced Migration

SALARYĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Ā£38,002 per annum

CONTRACTĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  One Year Fixed Term

HOURSĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  35 hours per week

LOCATIONĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Friends House, Euston Road, London NW1Ā 

Britain Yearly Meeting is a radical church with a deep commitment to peace, integrity, equality, simplicity and sustainability. Quaker Peace & Social Witness (QPSW), is a hub within the organisation for action on peace and social justice.

Quakers have been taking action on Forced Migration in huge numbers all over Britain. But what can QPSW most usefully contribute?Ā  We are seeking an informed and strategic person to scope and develop ideas for new work over an initial period of 12 months.

The post requires experience of designing and delivering change-making and movement. Can you work well with people in a diverse range of settings, from community groups to policy makers? Do you have up to date knowledge of current issues relating to forced migration? And experience of effective campaigning work with strong communication skills?Ā  Then please apply!

Closing DateĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Monday 12 September 2016 ā€“ 9am

InterviewsĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Thursday 22 September 2016

For further information about QPSW, go to and for details on how to apply, go to

Britain Yearly Meeting is committed to equality in all its employment practices


from Refugee Council

This September, world leaders will gather at two crucial summits aimed at finding solutions to the global refugee crisis. The first is being organised by the United Nations, the second by President Obama.

Never before have refugees been so far up the global agenda. But the time for talking is over. We need to see action, and we need to see it quickly.

This is the biggest opportunity of 2016 to show our Government, our Prime Minister and the world that Britain is ready to welcome more refugees and you can help. Continue reading “from Refugee Council”

APPG on Refugees – Refugees Welcome Inquiry

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Refugees has launched an inquiry into the experiences of newly arrived and newly recognised refugees in the UK. The inquiry will consider the experiences of refugees who have claimed asylum in the UK, as well as those of refugees who have arrived in the UK through other paths, such as resettlement. In particular, the inquiry will focus on the integration of new refugees, including success in finding employment, securing accommodation and, where appropriate, help with English language skills.

The cross-party inquiry panel is encouraging written evidence from a broad range of stakeholders, including government representatives and civil servants, local authorities, charities, researchers, and voluntary organisations working with refugees and refugees themselves. Evidence from people who have direct personal experience of the support systems for newly arrived and newly recognised refugees in the UK is particularly welcome. Continue reading “APPG on Refugees – Refugees Welcome Inquiry”

Britain must stop failing refugee children

Guardian: Child refugees are victims of contextual factors not of their own making but which are common to inhumanity: a toxic policy cocktail of deterrence; tokenism and symbolism fuelling government inertia (Britain leaves child refugees alone, afraid and abandoned, Amelia Gentleman, 3 August). First, they are being used as a deterrent to further migration, in the same way as paupers admitted toworkhouses under the poor law were used to deter dependency on the state…