The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme

The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme Contents

Conclusions and recommendations

1.The success of the programme is dependent on pledges of offers of support from local authorities turning into firm places. The participation of local authorities in the programme is voluntary. Local authorities make indicative pledges to resettle refugees, which become firm offers once the local authority has secured appropriate accommodation, support and services. The number of refugees in the programme is small compared to the total number of people local authorities support. But some local authorities are concerned that the funding available will not be enough to cover the support and services they will need to offer refugees, particularly at a time when they face a number of other financial pressures. Practical issues such as whether families are ready and able to travel to the UK, and whether accommodation and school places are available in local authorities, have already caused delays in resettling refugees. There has also been some confusion over what local authorities are required to provide to refugees when they arrive. Failing to address these issues could pose risks to the successful delivery of the programme in future. The Home Office (the Department) told us that it has enough indicative pledges of support from local authorities to meet the 20,000 target, but it is essential that these materialise into firm offers of resettlement places. Continue reading “The Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement programme”

Response: Home Affairs Committee on an effective immigration policy

Written evidence submitted by the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network 19.1.2017:

The Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network links Quakers[1] from all over the UK.   This submission concerns Forced Migrants – refugee and asylum seekers.  The Select Committee will also receive submissions from individual Quakers and other groups of Quakers, many of whom are deeply engaged in work with and for forced migrants[2].

Quakers long standing track record of humanitarian support and concern for the homeless and displaced is best known for the KinderTransport which brought children to safety from Hitler’s Germany.  Those children have enriched the cultural and intellectual life of this country immensely[3]. The refugees and asylum seekers currently seeking a new life in the UK have already introduced enriching variety to our culture. Continue reading “Response: Home Affairs Committee on an effective immigration policy”

Religion Spirituality and the Refugee Experience

“Religion Spirituality and the Refugee Experience…” published 2016 by Palgrave McMillan UK (an academic at Oxford Refugee Study Centre linked me to Palgrave).

The book is at

The book was launched by the Australian Human Rights Commissioner Prof Gillian Triggs in Nov 2016. This book is an out-growth of my PhD which is a long held Quaker Concern (see free access to PhD below)

Description of PhD

The research question: What role does spirituality and religion play in refugees’ flights from their home country and during their resettlement in host countries? Continue reading “Religion Spirituality and the Refugee Experience”

Hostile Environment victimises and criminalises

This is a genuine response from the Home Office to someone who reported that their Biometric Residence Permit was stolen: 
Good Afternoon
Thank you for reporting that your biometric residence permit (BRP) has been lost or stolen. We will now cancel your BRP ********* and it can’t be reactivated.
If you find your BRP, you must return it to the address below as soon as possible after you return to the UK Continue reading “Hostile Environment victimises and criminalises”