Boot mit Bootshaft

Boot mitMore ideas about what you can do with other – make boats and leave messages around the place for others to think about …

Bern O’Donoghue’s paper boat art project has been integrated into an art based inter-cultural multimedia peace workshop in Bad Kreuznach Germany during this autumn half term break. SAY IT LOUD! – taking Picasso’s thinking of artists as individuals with social responsibility and the duty to act and work with moral courage when human rights and humanity are at risk as a starting point.

Beate Dehnen adapted the idea working with young people some of whom were newly arrived refugees. Boot mit Bo(o)tschaft (messanger-boats with messanges) is the German title and young people wrote onto one side of their paper boat ‘What makes me anxious and sad’ and on the other side ‘What gives me courage and hope’. All boats were taken into the community to share young people’s views and invite passers-by to think and rethink stereotypes about young people as well as young refugees.

– photos: boat-messanger with a message

