Why are people forced to migrate? The causes are many and complex.Ā Each persons reasons for migration are a unique combination.
One example. A couple with their two children who fled from Eritrea to Sudan, Eritrea has one of the most oppressive regimes in the world.. He is a member of a Pentecostalist church which is not registered with the state. Only Churches that are registered are allowed to practice. He went ahead of the family to seek sanctuary in the UK. His application for asylum was refused. The Home Office immigration officer did not believe he had faced persecution because of his religion. The office of the lawyer who had advised him had closed. Ā He lost his minimal asylum support payments and was homeless. He was forbidden to work.Ā When I met him he was sleeping in train stations, churches and occasionally with friends. He was under Hammersmith Hospital for diabetes. Ā Continue reading “Some Key Questions on Forced Migration.”