By Graham Peebles – 4th September 2015
Fleeing war, persecution and acute poverty, men, women and children have been arriving in Britain for generations. They come in search of peace: for work or education, and to build a decent life in a country were the rule of law is observed and human rights are respected.
According to Mary Bosworth, author of Inside Immigration Detention, currently the largest numbers arrive from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. They also come from Nigeria and Jamaica, and from current and recent war zones: Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. Many of those making the hazardous journey have been the victim of violence, sexual abuse and exploitation; some have mental health issues, all need to be shown tolerance, compassion and understanding. However, a significant number arriving in the UK are being incarcerated in the country’s 10 Immigration Detention Centres . Read more:
See also from Still Human Still Here:
10. Any information or evidence that will help us to assess the potential impacts of the changes proposed in this consultation document on persons who have any of the protected characteristics as defined in the Equality Act 2010 (paragraph 49). The evidence cited above clearly indicates that individuals from protected characteristic groups, including race, age, pregnancy and maternity will be disproportionately impacted by the proposals in the consultation document. These proposals are likely to result in asylum seeking families and their children being left destitute, with a consequent impact on their health and wellbeing (see the response to Q3 above). In this context, the proposals in the consultation paper also run counter to the duties in the Health and Social Care Act 2012 which require the Government to reduce health inequalities.
In addition to its responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010, the Home Office also has a statutory duty to have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 expressly states that this duty must be taken into account when developing policy.
Despite this and the fact that the proposals directly impact on children, the consultation document provides no evidence