QARN began with legacy funding which has been used to support the website, leaflets and other materials to support our work, funding for our Conferences in 2015, 2017 and 2019, and other events we have held, also expenses incurred to enable people to come to our meetings, to represent us at meetings of like-minded bodies etc. and for QARN to have a presence at various events such as BYM and Yearly Meeting Gathering.
QARN does not have charitable status. This is because registered charities are not allowed to work in a ‘political’ way, and our core aim is to speak truth to power and challenge the system which is political work. We would like to be able to attract regular funding to maintain our core work on behalf of QARN.
We do not pass donations on to other projects that work directly with people seeking asylum and refugees, and suggest that people wanting to give direct help either contact their local groups or a national organisation such as City of Sanctuary.
If you would like to make a financial donation, please let us know that it is coming, or report any problems with direct payments.
You can contact our Treasurer: treasurer @qarn.org.uk (delete the space before @ – that is to stop spammers)
You can also contact us through the general QARN email address: info@qarn.org.uk.
Our Bank account information for a transfer is
- Sort Code 60-01-73 Account Number 00219484
- or you can send a cheque made payable to ‘Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network’, by post to: QARN, c/o Sheila Mosley, Leicester Quakers, 16, Queens Road, Leicester LE2 1WP
- Please put your name or the name of your Meeting as a reference.
We thank you for your support, whether it is financial, or in your interest and upholding of our work.