This September, world leaders will gather at two crucial summits aimed at finding solutions to the global refugee crisis. The first is being organised by the United Nations, the second by President Obama.
Never before have refugees been so far up the global agenda. But the time for talking is over. We need to see action, and we need to see it quickly.
This is the biggest opportunity of 2016 to show our Government, our Prime Minister and the world that Britain is ready to welcome more refugees and you can help.
Ask your MP to stand up for refugees in Parliament by filling in our template email urging them to put pressure on the Government ahead of the summits. This is a quick and easy way of showing your local MP that refugees’ lives matter to you.
Click here to email your MP now.
Go and meet your local MP in one of their regular surgeries and ask them to speak up for refugees. MPs are more likely to take your concerns seriously if they hear from you in person.
Going to meet your MP may sound like a scary prospect, but refugees need someone like you to speak up for them and we’re providing you with all the tips and tools you’ll need to make your meeting a success.
Read our handy guide to meeting your MP here.
Join us at the #RefugeesWelcome march on September 17th in London.
Last September, public outrage forced the Prime Minister to announce 20,000 Syrian refugees would be resettled here, and 100,000 of us marched through London to demand Government action to help refugees. Public pressure makes a difference.
But there’s more to do. Refugees are still dying, still separated from their families, still shut out. We must make our voices heard. Refugees are welcome here.
Join us on the 17th of September and ask your friends to do the same.
Find out more and RSVP to the march here.
Thank you for standing up for refugees. Together, we can make a difference.
Maurice Wren
Refugee Council Chief Executive