Guardian: Jane is incredible and talented and UK asylum rules are forcing her to beg

guardian_logo: There is a woman I know called Jane. Jane is incredible; she has survived rape and torture in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, she brings up two children completely without help, she has a beautiful speaking voice and a talent for writing poetry. If I say she is a refugee you would say she was one of the lucky ones; not on a boat in the Mediterranean, not at a border in central Europe.

Yes, she is here in London. But lucky? Not really. Jane is struggling with many unresolved problems – including the fact that still, more than 10 years after first arriving in the UK, she has not been accepted as a refugee. She has already been refused and deported once, a few years ago. When she was sent back to DRC she experienced further persecution, and fled here again. She knows she could be refused and deported again at any time. Read more …