Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency is inviting stakeholders’ views

The Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency  is inviting stakeholders’ views on  development of his inspection plan for 2012-13. 

Views should be sent to:  or to the postal address: Attn: Inspection Plan Consultation, Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency, 5th Floor, Globe House, 89 Eccleston Square, London, SW1V 1PN by30 November 2011.

Still Human Members are encouraged to propose the asylum support system for review, including:

  • levels of support,
  • how support is delivered,
  • how asylum seekers are ending up outside of the support system
  • and the efficiency of the support system from both a cost and immigration control perspective.

Welcome to the website of the Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency.

John VineJohn Vine, Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency

The Independent Chief Inspector works to ensure independent scrutiny of the work of the UK Border Agency, providing confidence and assurance as to its effectiveness and efficiency.

The Chief Inspector is completely independent of the UK Border Agency and reports directly to the Home Secretary.

All inspection reports are available from theInspection Reports section of this site.

Please note that the Independent Chief Inspector is unable to consider individual visa cases.