Inside the Fortress

Carrs Lane stained-glass-2-495x400ā€œI was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.ā€ (Matthew 25,35)

Central England Quaker Asylum Group and the Church at Carrs Lane invite you to an evening of discussion on the current refugee situation, including the position of those asylum-seekers in the UK who do not appear in the current media coverage.

Andrew Lane, Representative at the Quaker Council for European Affairs in Brussels, will bring us up-to-date with the developments at European level, as well as informing us about the dangers of plans for the use of military intervention to control the flow of refugees.

In addition to looking at the situation in the UK and in the EU, we will consider how we can support asylum-seekers both individually and corporately.

Tuesday 20 October at Carrā€™s Lane Church, Birmingham 19.00ā€“ 21.30