Medical Justice appeal to health professionals

 medical-justiceTo all Medical Justice supporters,

The only way Medical Justice can reach more vulnerable detainees is to increase our pool of trained doctors and other health professionals.
So please do forward this notice about training to any doctors and other health professionals who you think may be interested. Thanks in advance for helping to spread the word.
Thanks !
Medical Justice Medics Basics Training Day 
10.30am to 5pm – Saturday 20th June 2015
Venue : Central London venue to be confirmed to those who book places
A one day course organised by Medical Justice.
Medical Justice training is for medics who are or intend to visit immigration detainees, or assist detainees in other ways, at our request.
The aim of this course is gain an understanding of the health and legal needs of asylum seekers and other immigration detainees. Whilst the focus is on persons detained, the skills learnt can be used in other work with asylum seekers and refugees, as well as Medico-legal report writing. Participants will have a basic understanding and experience of the needs of immigration detainees and/or care of asylum seekers in the community, and will be doctors, nurses, midwives and psychologists.
Medical Justice is a small charity that sends volunteer doctors (and other health professionals) into the UK’s 11 IRCs to visit men, women and children detained arbitrarily and indefinitely. We assist about 1,000 detainees a year, most of whom are asylum seekers, and most are later released. Our volunteer doctors write medico-legal reports (MLRs) documenting scars of torture and challenge instances of inadequate healthcare provision, including denial of medication and access to hospital. We are the only organisation in the UK that does this. Our training is therefore unique and provided by recognised experts in the field.
Programme ;
10.30 – 10.45 – Registration
Tea, coffee, juice, croissant : provided
10.45 – 12.15 – Introduction
Presentations on immigration detention, an overview of the asylum determination process, about referrals to Medical Justice, how detention centre visits are arranged, what to look for when seeing patients, communicating with lawyers and detention centre health care staff.
12.15 – 12.30 – Looking after oneself
Working with people who have suffered trauma
12.30 – 12.45 – Common Health problems
An Overview of detainees’ common problems
12.45 – 13.00 – Ex-detainee’s experience
Hear first-hand from someone who has suffered inadequate healthcare provision in detention
13.00 – 13.45 – Lunch
13.45 – 15.00 – Documenting scars & assault injuries
Recognising scars and injuries, and probable causes
15.00 – 15.45 – Mental health issues
Identifying detainees’ mental health issues
15.45 – 16.00 – Tea
16.00 – 17.15 – Writing Medico-Legal Reports 
This session is led by a lawyer and focuses on how to make your reports work, what the courts are looking for, an outline of the relevant law, and how best to communicate with lawyers.
17.15 – 17.30 – Summary & Evaluation
You can make a donation to Medical Justice by cheque, standing order or electronic transfer. All contributions very gratefully received.