New reports from ICIBI and Home Office responses

Dave Neal, who has been ICIBI was sacked – see this report: He has complained throughout his time as ICIBI that the Home Office was slow, sometimes very slow to publish his Department’s reports. They have now published 13 of them all at once. In his absence the ICIBI team will be unable to act until there is a new appointee.

The role of the Independent Chief Inspector is to help improve the efficiency, effectiveness and consistency of the Home Office’s border and immigration functions through unfettered, impartial and evidence-based inspection.

His findings and recommendations for improvement to the Home Office are captured in inspection reports. They are submitted to the Home Secretary and laid before Parliament before publication.

The Independent Chief Inspector has developed a set of expectations against which his staff conduct inspections.

The Home Office publishes official responses to the ICIBI reports.

29 Feb 2024: Inspection reports by the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) 12 long-awaited reports have now been released by the Home Office. The publication of some of these reports has been delayed by the Home Secretary for many months past the agreed time scales.


From the Home Office, here are their responses:

ICIBI: Completed inspections awaiting publication

  1. An inspection of the immigration system as it relates to the social care sector (6 February 2024)
  2. A spot check inspection of Border Force’s operational response to general aviation flights at London City Airport (14 February 2024)

Live inspections

  1. An inspection on contingency asylum accommodation
  2. An inspection of the Immigration Enforcement Competent Authority

See also: