Take action to end the detention of children this Christmas
I saw bad things happening in prison and there was too much crying.
It gave me terrible headaches and I felt sad.
Dominic Mwafulirwa Junior, detained in Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre in 2009
Each family sends an average of 76 Christmas cards each year. We want you to send One More Card to help stop the detention of children in the UK. Send an extra Christmas card to Immigration Minister, Phil Woolas MP, and let him know that your Christmas wish is for him to stop the practice of detaining the children of people seeking sanctuary in Britain.
Britain is the only country in Europe which detains the children of people seeking sanctuary.
Dominic Mwafulirwa Junior is one child who was detained in 2009. He was taken with his family to Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre and held for 50 days. During that time he saw someone self-harm and another person attempt suicide. He was only released because he developed chicken pox.
More than 1,000 children a year are kept in detention. Research has shown that detention causes significant mental and emotional harm to children.
Ensure no child ever has to suffer what Dominic experienced. Send a Christmas card to the Immigration Minister, Phil Woolas MP, asking for the end of detention for children and families who seek sanctuary.
• Keep the Christmas card positive.
• Wish Mr Woolas a Merry Christmas then ask him (in your own words) toend the practice of detaining children and families of people seeking sanctuary.
• Include your name, address and the name of your church.
• Send your card to: Phil Woolas MP, Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF
• Encourage members of your family, your church, your friends and your work colleagues to send one more card too.
For more information see: www.jointpublicissues.org.uk/childrenindetention