End Child Detention Now is a citizensâ initiative which sprang from a successful campaign to release a Barnsley born toddler and his parents from Yarlâs Wood Immigration Detention Centre where he had been held for more than three weeks in July 2009.
Ibrahim is one of the more than 2,000 asylum seeking children that are held in immigration detention centres in the United Kingdom each year.
With our votes, our voices and our determination we have the power to end child detention now.
Please join us by signing the No.10 petition, by contacting your local MP (if you are not sure who he or she is you can find out by visiting theyworkforyou.com) and urging them to sign the early day motion in the name of Chris Mullin, writing to your local newspaper, writing to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Gordon Brown, the Home Secretary, Rt Hon Alan Johnson, and the Immigration Minister, Rt Hon Phil Woolas. More on the website: http://ecdn.org/about/