2019/1 QARN Minute: We agree to support the work of the campaign End Deportations- Stop Charter Flights, and ask Sheila to write to them expressing our support, and to put a link on our website. On our own website we will also highlight the moral injustice of using terrorism legislation against peaceful protest. QARN has taken on Removals/Deportations as a specific concern.
QARN Meeting of 19 January 2019
Updated 24.2.2019: Stansted 15 ordered back to court over aggravated trespass case
Activists’ lawyer says notice has caused the group ‘great anxiety and distress’. This was then withdrawn.
I’m Proud To Be One Of The Stansted 15 – This Is Our Story
Sooner or later, our struggle related to this trial will be over – but the wider struggle against the hostile environment must continue …
Please sign and share! https://www.change.org/p/home-office-end-the-hostile-environment-and-deportation-charter-flights-justice-for-the-stansted-15
‘My name is Angela MacKeith. This is me and my daughter May. She is one of fifteen human rights activists who have just been convicted of a terror offence for taking peaceful action to stop a deportation charter flight. She and her friends face a prison sentence.’
‘We call on the UK government to end its inhumane hostile environment policies and to end its barely legal and shameful practice of deportation charter flights. We also call for the Stansted 15 to be spared prison. They did not aim to inconvenience people, and this arduous trial has had such a profound impact on the defendants’ lives that they are unlikely to take such action again.
The Stansted 15 are a credit to human rights. They and their intentions should be supported, not punished.’