5 June 2020: Status Now stands in Solidarity with #blacklivesmatter for #healthandsafetyforall
5 JUN 2020 – Status Now Network’s Reference Group is up and running, meeting on a fortnightly basis and taking action in between to develop the following:
Parliamentary and political engagement
- British MP’s, via constituents and Trades Union representatives in UK Parliament. BFAWU was a founding signatory and, following the death of member Belly Mujinga, TSSA have joined us, as has the Trade Union Coordinating Group https://www.tucg.org.uk[https://www.tucg.org.uk/
- Template letter based on the content of our Open Letter to UK Prime Minister and Irish Taioseach will be coming to you to use when contacting relevant UK MP’s in your networks.
- Letter will ask them to support a forthcoming Early Day Motion. If you have an MP that you want to ensure is connected up to this part of our work please email statusnowforhealthandsafety@gmail.com with your details and ideas.
- Historic Irish Dáil Éireann debates to end Direct Provision via our Irish lead http://www.masi.ie/
See more detail about these aspects of campaign development at http://www.rapar.co.uk/news/there-is-no-gene-for-being-an-ethnic-minority
Local actions that highlight the campaign
- Campaign branding for hashtags, visuals and website finalising shortly and sent out in next update
- An on line launch event, beginning with a press conference and platforming the lived experience of undocumented people. Details will be sent to you immediately, once the date is finalised.
Media presence
- There has been some national press but we have not yet managed to secure coverage of the fact Boris Johnson has not even acknowledged our Open Letter.
Please email statusnowforhealthandsafety@gmail.com with any ideas / contacts for improving our media presence
Enabling the involvement of new organisations/groups so that undocumented people become more foregrounded, safely, to lead the campaign. Most recent additions include Regularise the MRCI (Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland), and Migrant Voice. Welcome!
Please use statusnowforhealthandsafety@gmail.com to contact this Reference Group and become involved.
This is a marathon, not a sprint! The Status Now Network wants to grow, inclusively and sustainably, until we achieve our goal. Thank you.