You may like to copy and personalise the letter below for your prospective Parliamentary candidates, to ensure that the issues we are passionate about are sensitively raised:
Reply to:
Policy towards asylum seekers
I write to you in your capacity as prospective parliamentary candidate at the forthcoming general election in order to find out your personal views and those of your party on issues affecting asylum seekers.
As I expect you are aware, the asylum system as run by the present Government has been criticized trenchantly both by national and international bodies on many occasions in recent years. For instance, the Independent Asylum Commission in 2008 said the treatment of some asylum seekers was a shameful blemish on the UK’s international reputation. I follow the subject closely and unfortunately am sure that that opinion is justified. My vote in the coming election will be strongly influenced by the intentions of each candidate and his/her party on the issue generally and in particular on the following subjects.
- a) Do you oppose (i) the detention of children and (ii) the separation of parents from their children for the purpose of detaining the parents?
b) What is your party’s policy on this issue?
- a) Do you oppose the destitution policy practised by the present Government towards those whose asylum claims have been refused? If so, please explain what policy you think should be adopted, whether people in that position should be allowed to work or whether they should receive benefits until such time as they leave the country.
b) What is your party’s policy on this issue?
Finally I hope you will sign the election pledge produced by Liberty at
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely