How can migrant communities deal with the threat of the Immigration Bill 2015-16?
Before long the Immigration Bill will complete its passage through Parliament and will go onto the statute book as the most draconian challenge to the rights of migrants and the communities they live in for a generation.
MRN invites you to attend this meeting to discuss the threat that the legislation presents to our communities. It will be the starting point for the sharing of ideas on what we need to do to defend the rights of all migrants.
The event is organised as an open forum to give representatives from groups across London to come together to hear what the Bill represents in the way of a challenge to the rights of migrants across the field of work, housing and community life.
Amongst the people who will be attending to give their views on the threats posed by the Bill are:
* Rosa Crawford – Trades Union Congress (TUC)
* Rita Chadha – Refugee & Migrant Forum of Essex and London – RAMFEL
* Marissa Begonia – Justice for Domestic Workers
* Antonia Bright – Movement for Justice
* Sue Lukes – Independent expert in immigration and housing
* Chai Patel – Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigran
For more on why the Immigration is such a threat to migrants and the communities they live in read
Tatiana Garavito’s blog: Click here
To read MRN’s briefing on the Bill: Click here
For other material discussing the danger the Bill: Click here
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