On 21 July, David Hanson MP, Shadow Immigration Minister, formally opposed the regulations which brought in the cuts to asylum support. This is done by tabling an EDM which prays against the regulations, see: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/340. This EDM is supported by MPs from the SNP, the Liberal Democrats and the Greens.
Shortly afterwards, John McDonnell MP tabled a separate EDM opposing the cuts. This EDM specifically call for the Government to withdraw the cut and for a parliamentary debate to be held on the issue. For the full text see:http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2015-16/344. This EDM (No.344) has 27 signatures to date (17 of which are from the SNP) and is one that backbench MPs can sign to show their concern over the impact the cuts will have on asylum seeking families with children.
Regional Asylum Activism (RAA) have put together a good campaign action on this issue. It calls on members of the public tocontact their MP and to ask them to write to the Immigration Minister, James Brokenshire MP, to voice their concerns regarding the cuts and/or to sign EDM 344. RAA have drafted a model letter which you can adapt and send to your MP. For more details go to: http://regionalasylumactivism.org/2015/07/21/government-cuts-support-for-children-seeking-refugee-protection/