BID: Separation of families

Earlier this year, BID produced Fractured Childhoods, a report on what happens to children and families when parents are held in immigration detention without time limit. Theresa May’s speech of 30th September further outlined the Government’s plans to prevent people, including parents in detention, from appealing their deportation from the UK. BID is working with other charities which support migrants and children to oppose these changes.

We are also raising the issue with parliamentarians. Before and during parliament’s summer recess, in response to the publication of BID’s Fractured Childhoods report, several peers asked the Government questions about the separation of families. Questions were asked by Baroness Lister and Lord Ramsbotham; Lord Hylton asked two questions which you can read here and here. The matter was also raised in a parliamentary debate by Lord Judd. Continue reading “BID: Separation of families”