What you can do: Following terrorist attacks in Paris on 13 November, the UK Parliament is preparing to debate a proposal for military action in Syria. This is expected to be early in the week of 30 November, although dates may change.
Quakers in Britain have made a statement, which is online at: www.quaker.org.uk/news-and-events/news/quakers-responding-to-terrorism. Mass lobbying of MPs was a huge factor in defeating Cameron’s last attempt to bomb Syria in 2013.
If we want to stop the UK bombing Syria, then taking action now is crucial.
Actions that Quakers could take … see here: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/7506c29d95944ba554b4871f8/files/A_guide_to_taking_action_on_Syria_v3.pdf Continue reading “A guide to taking action to prevent British military action on the people of Syria”