UNHCR: Detention Guidelines 2012

Detention Guidelines: guidelines on the applicable criteria and standards relating to the detention of asylum-seekers and alternatives to detention: http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/pdfid/503489533b8.pdf

Indefinite detention is arbitrary and maximum limits on detention should be established in law

44. As indicated in Guideline 4.2, the test of proportionality applies in relation to both the initial order of detention as well as any extensions. The length of detention can render an otherwise lawful decision to detain disproportionate and, therefore, arbitrary. Indefinite detention for immigration purposes is arbitrary as a matter of international human rights law. Continue reading “UNHCR: Detention Guidelines 2012”

ILPA: Fresh claims_Legacy cases

Fresh Asylum and Human Rights Claims: This information sheet provides information about judicial review challenges to a decision by the UK Border Agency that further submissions do not constitute a fresh claim (whether a fresh asylum or fresh human rights claim).

Legacy Cases 9: In July 2011, the UK Border Agency failed to meet its commitment to conclude the asylum “legacy” (or backlog). More than a year on, the legacy remains unconcluded and the UK Border Agency has made it clear it has no intention to conclude it any time soon. This information sheet updates the information given in the “Legacy Cases 8 – Cases Not Concluded” information sheet

Launching the Post-Deportation Monitoring Network

Fahamu Refugee Legal Aid Newsletter: A new initiative has been launched to track what happens to failed asylum seekers after they have been deported. It aims to provide channels of support for deportees when they arrive in their countries of origin and build a body of evidence to inform policy in countries that deport failed asylum seekers. The project will be hosted by Fahamu Refugee Programme and aims to establish a network of NGOs and individuals identified via the website, who will serve as points of contact to link with counterparts in countries of origin. Continue reading “Launching the Post-Deportation Monitoring Network”

Government concerns over G4S and Serco to house asylum seekers

Home Office orders weekly reports on progress of security firms’ contracts to house asylum seekers in north of England

Home Office ministers have ordered weekly reports on the progress of two new contracts with the private security companies G4S and Serco to house and provide support services for thousands of asylum seekers and their families.

The chief executive of the UK Border Agency (UKBA), Rob Whiteman, has confirmed that serious concerns about the ability of the two companies to find housing for thousands of asylum seekers across the north of England by November has led to closer monitoring at the most senior levels of the Home Office.

Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/sep/09/concerns-g4s-serco-housing-asylum-seekers