We were interested to meet with other Quakers who share our concern at Yearly Meeting Gathering – August 2014 http://www.quaker.org.uk/yearly-meeting-gathering-ymg-2014
Dear Friends,
We have had a number of well attended sessions at Yearly Meeting, and have been very impressed and encouraged by the number of Friends active throughout the country.
After the sessions on destitution and detention we sent a minute to the YM summing up group.
Here is the minute below together with the encouraging response from one of the Friends charged with the difficult task of summing up.
We have heard of how the present asylum and immigration system forces many asylum seekers into destitution and holds thousands in detention for indefinite periods. We have been very encouraged to learn of the work of Friends throughout the country, and of the Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network in supporting the destitute and vulnerable and campaigning for change.
We believe that an informed and principled critique of current asylum policy should be part of our corporate Quaker witness, in keeping with our testimony to equality. We invite Friends to work for justice and compassion in the asylum system and to challenge the prevailing culture of dIsbelief. This is particularly important in the run up to the election. The QARN website offers resources for information,reflection and action.
Signed. Bridget Walker, Oxford and Swindon AM
Colin Billett, Worcestershire and Shropshire. AM Continue reading “QARN at Yearly Meeting Gathering, August 2014”