Human Rights of unaccompanied migrant children and young people in the UK
House of Lords, House of Commons – Joint Committee on Human Rights
Unaccompanied migrant children are those who arrive in the United Kingdom separated from their parents and other relatives, and who are not being cared for by an adult with a legal or customary responsibility for doing so. In 2012 around 1,200 such children sought asylum in the UK, and around 2,150 unaccompanied migrant children were being cared for by local authorities.
These children are entitled to protection under domestic legislation and international agreements, the most universally accepted of which is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Providing protection and support effectively is crucial: the asylum and immigration process can be complex, and the stress it can cause can be particularly acute for
children. In this Report we examine how effectively support is provided at present, and how it could be provided more effectively in the future. Continue reading “Human Rights of unaccompanied migrant children and young people in the UK”
Home Affairs Select Committee asylum inquiry
The Home Affairs Select Committee is continuing to take evidence as part of its inquiry into asylum. It has already heard from the Independent Chief Inspector, Women for Refugee Women, Asylum Aid, Freedom from Torture and Justice First. For further information go to:
Here is the list of contributors and their contributions: