QCEAOur organisations represent Churches throughout Europe – Anglican, Orthodox, Protestant and Roman Catholic – as well as Christian agencies particularly concerned with migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. As Christian organisations we are deeply committed to the inviolable dignity of the human person created in the image of God, as well as to the concepts of the common good, of global solidarity and of the promotion of a society that welcomes strangers. We also share the conviction that the core values of the European Union as an area of freedom and justice must be reflected by day-to-day politics. It is against this background that we make the following proposals for the development of safe and legal paths to protection in the European Union.

[The group included QCEA – Quaker Council for European Affairs] – read the full report here:

Early Day Motion 804: Migrants’ Deaths At Sea

parliament_logoThat this House expresses alarm at yet another tragic loss of life at sea when 300 migrants were feared drowned in the Mediterranean trying to escape through Libya; notes the wholly inappropriate tendency of many to blame the people-traffickers; acknowledges that thousands have died in the Mediterranean fleeing war, poverty and oppression from all over the middle east and north Africa; further acknowledges that current search and rescue operations are underfunded and wholly inadequate; requests that the Prime Minister raise this issue in all relevant forums including the imminent European Council; and further acknowledges the need for reinstating and fully funding such vessels as the Mare Nostrum, and the call on the EU by organisations such as the UNHCR, Save the Children and Amnesty International to expand Triton’s operations closer to the Libyan coast in order that they might do the right and honourable thing and save people from peril on the sea.
Sponsor: Corbyn, Jeremy  –  House of Commons: 12.02.2015

Hustings questions

qarn logo smSome Questions for Parliamentary Candidates on respecting the humanity of forced migrants

  1. Do you not agree that people seeking sanctuary in the UK should be treated with compassion, dignity and respect?
  2. Will you work for an immigration and asylum control system which treats forced migrants with dignity and respect?
  3. Will you work to end the detained fast track processing of applications for asylum and humanitarian protection? Will you seek to ensure that all applicants have access to good quality independent representation and the time and opportunity to prepare their cases? Continue reading “Hustings questions”

Over 300 people feared dead at sea

ECRE save livesEurope needs to step up search and rescue in the Mediterranean –

Some 300 people are now confirmed missing and believed to have drowned in the Mediterranean according to reports gathered by UNHCR following the rescue of some 100 people by the Italian Coast Guard on Monday.

Survivors said that four dinghies left from a beach near Tripoli on Saturday. Twenty-nine migrants died, most of them of hypothermia, after they were rescued from an inflatable dinghy carrying 106 people. Only two people were recovered from a dinghy which, according to survivors, had departed with 107 passengers and only seven people survived on another which had carried 109 people. A fourth boat with approximately 100 people is missing. Continue reading “Over 300 people feared dead at sea”

Further submissions update

RtRFurther Submissions in Liverpool update – legal challenge delays implementation

Written by 

On 15 January we reported that the UK Home Office had announced a change in procedures for lodging further submissions on asylum and human rights applications, after a refusal of an asylum claim. All further submissions were now to be made in person, in Liverpool, rather than at the applicant’s local Immigration office.

The new process, announced without notice or consultation, was scheduled to start on 26 January. However, the Home Office made a further announcement that this was to be delayed. Continue reading “Further submissions update”

NHS services – inaccessible asylum process – dispersal

Still human still here1. Access to urgent & immediately necessary care

The NHS’ guidance issued in 2013 is still valid and provides the framework for establishing when urgent and immediately necessary treatment must be provided to overseas visitors who do not have an entitlement to free care and cannot pay for it.

The information below is a summary of the key paragraphs from the guidance on the issue. The full report is available at: Continue reading “NHS services – inaccessible asylum process – dispersal”

Detention, Destitution and Deportation – gathering Quaker energy to speak truth to power

20150207_102424-1smQARN and Woodbrooke Conference:

Detention, Destitution and Deportation – gathering Quaker energy to speak truth to power’, over the weekend of 6-8 February 2015 at Woodbrooke, Birmingham.

The Conference was attended by Quakers from Quaker Meetings in England, Scotland, Eire and Wales, and we were joined by Jerome Phelps of ‘Detention Action’ and Mike Kaye of ‘Still Human Still Here’ who were speakers during the Saturday.  Our experience was enhanced by the presence of five members of ‘RAPAR – Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research’ from Manchedter, who shared their experiences and energy over whole weekend with us.

The Conference brings the following Minute: Continue reading “Detention, Destitution and Deportation – gathering Quaker energy to speak truth to power”

Responding to the Issues Faced by Asylum Seekers & Refugees, 29th April


Effectively Responding to the Issues Faced by Asylum Seekers & Refugees
Policy Briefing | 29th April 2015 | Central London

This event will help you to better understand how you can respond effectively to the needs of asylum seekers and support them with up to date advice and a sensitive approach. You will have the opportunity to network with your peers to discuss and debate how organisations can collaborate to create more effective services.

You will hear from experts in the field on best practice and the latest policies, strategies and initiatives from government, NGOs and stakeholder organisations, helping you to support some of the most vulnerable people in society.

Key topics will include:

Continue reading “Responding to the Issues Faced by Asylum Seekers & Refugees, 29th April”

Find an immigration removal centre

1. Overview

You can visit someone in an immigration removal centre.

Check in advance:

  • what the visiting hours are
  • if you need to book an appointment
  • what ID you need
  • what items you’re allowed to take with you