Take action: Still Human is calling on the Government to give asylum seekers permission to work if they have been waiting for more than six months for their cases to be concluded, or if they have been refused asylum but cannot be returned home through no fault of their own (e.g. because removals have been suspended).
This will prevent vulnerable people being left in a state of limbo for prolonged periods of time, will reduce the burden on the taxpayer and allow a small number of asylum seekers to support themselves and their families while contributing to the economy. Those who are allowed to stay in the UK, will find it much easier to become part of British society if they have been given the chance to work.
Please ask your MP to support this policy. Take action in less than two minutes on 38 Degrees’ website at: www.38degrees.org.uk/permission-to-work
Try and make your letter individual by writing in your own words or using additional information. For more information see the chapter on work in our report At the end of the line.
Other campaigning options
There are many ways you can help campaign for an end to destitution in the asylum system. Here are some other alternatives. Please try and get involved – your involvement does make a difference!
Amnesty International is campaigning for a fair and effective asylum system and to end the destitution of asylum seekers. Find out more about Amnesty’s campaign.
Refugee Action also has a Destitution campaign that highlights how the current system is both inhuman and ineffective.
Find out more about Refugee Action’s campaign.
The Refugee Council is running the Just.Fair. campaign, which is particularly concerned about the poverty and destitution facing asylum seekers.
Find out more about the Refugee Council’s Just.Fair. campaign.
The Refugee Council, the Trade Union Congress (TUC), Student Action for Refugees (STAR) and others are calling for asylum seekers to be allowed to work as part of the Just.Fair. Let them work! campaign.
You can support the Let them work! campaign here.
Citizens for Sanctuary is encouraging businesses, charities and public sector organisations to offer strategic internships to Zimbabwean asylum seekers.
Here you can find out more about Citizens for Sanctuary’s internship campaign.
Church Action on Poverty have a Destitution Action Pack which provides easy to read information and advice on how to campaign against the destitution of refused asylum seekers. You can access the pack on Church Action on Poverty’s website.
Many of the organisations that support Still Human Still Here work with volunteers.
Visit their websites to see if there are opportunities for volunteering with them.