Early Day Motions: healthcare charges, international violations

Two EDMs that you can ask your MP to sign:
EDM 357: Healthcare Charges For Migrants
That this House notes that migrant communities, who are disproportionately at risk of exclusion, stigma and discrimination, are not currently receiving the necessary safeguards;

further notes that the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Physicians, and Doctors of the World have called on the Government to suspend the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 and 2017 and all associated immigration checks and data sharing;
 believes that it is vital that a clear message is sent to migrant communities that they can seek care when they need it, that they are included in society and have a part to play in response to this crisis;
and therefore calls on the Government to suspend all NHS charging for migrants, suspend all data sharing between health services and the Home Office;
 implement a firewall to ensure that patient data will not be shared with the Home Office or other bodies for the purposes of immigration enforcement;
and launch an information campaign to ensure both NHS staff and the public are aware of these changes and that it is safe for people to seek care, particularly aimed at migrant communities across the UK.
Signatures (17)
Parliament, Wednesday 22nd April, https://is.gd/onkXWJ
Put Your MP to Work – Ask Them to Sign EDM 357     To find your MP go here: https://www.writetothem.com/
EDM 371: International Human Rights Violations During The Coronavirus Pandemic
That this House is gravely concerned by serious human rights violations occurring across the world as a result of the coronavirus pandemic;
notes that restrictions on human rights in response to a national public health emergency must be lawful, proportionate, necessary, subject to review, and limited in duration, and that prohibitions against arbitrary deprivation of life, torture and other ill-treatment are absolute;
 is alarmed at reports of the well-being of vulnerable populations in many countries, such as prisoners, slum-dwellers, the homeless, refugees and migrants, not being properly protected;
 is also alarmed at reports of governments adopting disproportionate measures which could be used inter alia to suppress freedom of expression and media freedom, such as in Hungary, Cambodia and Thailand, as well as of police using excessive force to enforce restrictions, such as in Nigeria, Kenya and South Africa;
 urges all governments to ensure any curtailment of fundamental freedoms during this emergency are entirely legitimate;
and calls on the Government to use its global influence to help curb unlawful human rights infringements during the pandemic and to assist less developed countries in better protecting vulnerable communities and channelling further resources into their healthcare and welfare systems.
House of Commons, Tabled 22 April 2020, https://is.gd/DFVLdm
Put Your MP to Work – Ask Them to Sign EDM 371     To find your MP go here: https://www.writetothem.com/
See more information here: https://www.freemovement.org.uk/