The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has organised a regional training course on Human rights principles, monitoring, safety, and security for human rights defenders working at international borders in the Northern Mediterranean region.

The 5-day training will cover the topics of human rights principles at international borders, human rights monitoring and advocacy strategies, screening and interviewing, detention and return, personal safety and security of human rights defenders including criminalization of human rights defenders, and digital safety and security. The training takes place on 06 – 10 March 2023 in Greece, and the applicants need to be based in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Türkiye or Spain. Applicants will be chosen in a competitive selection procedure and the costs of training materials, travel and full board accommodation will be covered by ODIHR.
If interested, please find the full call for applications here and complete the online application by 19 January 2023.