End Child Detention Now, the Shpresa Programme and Student Action for Refugees invite you to the London launch of the Keep Your Promise… campaign
On Saturday 26th March at 5.00pm-6.30pm
Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, Bethnal Green, London E2 6HG
Nearest Tube – Bethnal Green
On 12 May 2010, Nick Clegg on behalf of the Liberal Democrat-Conservative coalition government announced that the immigration detention of children in the United Kingdom was to be brought to an end. On 16 December Mr Clegg described the detention of children as ‘a moral outrage’ and announced the closure of the family wing of the notorious Yarl’s Wood detention centre in Bedfordshire. He said no children would be detained over Christmas. BUT… Not only was a child detained on Christmas Day, as many as 100 children were detained by the UKBA in the first six months of the coalition government. The new plans for a more humane approach to dealing with families whose asylum claims have failed includes converting a special needs school into ‘pre-departure accommodation’ surrounded by a 2.8 metre security fence – a new detention centre in all but name. This is why End Child Detention Now has teamed up with the Shpresa Programme which supports Albanian speaking families in London and Student Action for Refugees, which represents 5,000 student volunteers across the country to initiate the Keep Your Promise campaign to hold Clegg and Cameron to their pledge to end child detention now and forever.