Quakers call for action on racial and ethnic disparities

4 December 2020: Quakers in Britain have submitted evidence to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities, calling on the government to embed anti-racism in policies, practice and discourse across society.

The Commission asked fundamental questions about the reasons and solutions for racial and ethnic disparities in the UK.

Quakers’ commitment to anti-racism stems from their belief that there is that of God in everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality or any other characteristic.

Quakers in Britain recently affirmed their commitment to tackling racism within their organisation.

Quakers do not want the Commission to be an excuse for the government to delay taking action to tackle racism. They called on the Commission to implement the recommendations of previous inquiries.

In their submission, Quakers describe the main cause of racial and ethnic disparities in the UK as an ongoing narrative of British superiority towards other countries and peoples. This approach is embedded in structures across government and society.

Quakers call on the government to challenge this narrative and proactively tackle racism in its policies and practice.

The submission covers areas where Quakers have a strong background in working for positive change, including crime and policing, education, immigration and asylum, and peace and disarmament.

Please read the whole submission Submission-on-race-and-ethnic-disparities.pdf

We believe the main cause of racial and ethnic disparities in the UK is an ongoing
narrative of British superiority towards other countries and peoples. This approach is
embedded across government and society. In order to address racial and ethnic
disparities, the government must lead attempts to challenge this narrative and
embed anti-racism in policies, practice and discourse across society