B and J fear imminent refoulement (removal to a dangerous place instead of being granted safety) to Somalia.
B, born 1994 and J, born 1989 have been detained at Nairobi airport since Monday 16th May 2011. They were removed there by the UK Borders Agency having been refused asylum after two appeals and a fresh claim. They are Somali Bravanese and have produced documentary, DNA and expert evidence from an expert, to prove it. The UKBA maintain they are Kenyan nationals, largely it seems because they came to the UK on false Kenyan passports in 2009. They were fleeing from a Kenyan refugee camp with their sister S and her daughter U. S and U are still in London but also fear removal.
See the UNHCR report on the condition of Somalis in Kenyan refugee camps http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/docid/4dd5f7eec.html B and J are now only getting one barely edible meal in the evening and no drink during the day. They have been told they will be sent on to Somalia without a court hearing.
This is the second time they have been removed to Kenya by UKBA. They were refused entry on 29/7/2010 because they are Somali not Kenyan. The Kenyan Immigration officials initially wanted to refuse them again on 16/5/11 but were persuaded by the UKBA escort, out of their sight and hearing, to allow them to enter the airport. They have not however been given entry permits to enter the rest of Kenya.
Their solicitor has advised their sister to try to find a Kenyan Solicitor to make representations to the Immigration control authorities in Nairobi. Initial this would be to stop their refoulement to Somalia in breach of Kenya’s obligations under the UN Convention on the status of Refugees. The UK government would also be in breach of their obligation of non-refoulement having removed them knowing there was a high probability they would be sent on to Somalia.
The Director of Immigration Services is contactable at Nyayo House, P.O. Box 30191-00100, NAIROBI, Kenya, fax + 2452220731, e-mail dis@immigration.go.ke.
Lynn Brown MP of West Ham, where their sister lives, and Stephen Timms MP of East Ham, where they used to live, have written letters to Damian Green, Minister for Immigration, supporting B and J. B and J are now very vulnerable and frightened.
Several other Friends have written either direct to Damian Green Minister for Immigration, to the Home Secretary <mayt@parliament.uk>, Private Office <Privateoffice.external@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk> or to the UKBA, UKBApublicenquiries@UKBA.gsi.gov.uk or their own MP. T
he Government responses have been politely non committal but at least the UKBA know there is concern about B and J’s safety. This will help get them back if legal representations succeed in stopping refoulement.
The most urgent and valuable thing to do now for B and J is to find personal support including food and water and legal representation for them in Kenya.
If you would like to help but need more information, please contact QARN: info@qarn.org.uk
Sudan-Somalia: Dangerous for minorities:http://www.unhcr.org/refworld/topic,463af2212,496db2625,4bdfdae11a,0.html